Category: Construction

14 April 2021

How to Make More Affordable Housing

A hallmark of independence is able to own a house and build a family. Unfortunately, though, even in wealthy countries, house ownership continues to be difficult to achieve. Some end up renting out houses throughout their lifetimes.  In the US particularly, there are more renters than house owners. Owning a house remains expensive. While some may see a need to own one, they would prefer […]

17 January 2021

Pros and Cons of Wood Frame Construction

Are you in the market for building a new house? Are you building your first one or – maybe – a new one for a vacation house?  Maybe, you are buying a house that’s made entirely of wood frame? Well, I’m glad you’ve come to this place to check out if a wood frame construction will be right up your alley for your new abode.  […]